Rebbe Akiva,
I was waiting for a long time for this day to come, that is to return in studying with you. It would be a lonely week if I couldn't receive a Torah lesson from B’nai Noach Torah Institute. I want to say thank you again for allowing me to continue my study and sharing knowledge of the Torah which I consider as a treasure....
Thank you.
Blessings and peace!
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Dr. Belk,
Thank You very much for the personal letter; I know that much of your so-called 'free' time is actually far from it, so a letter of more than a thousand words is worth a considerable amount, even if you are able to use some parts for more than one recipient, one still must take the time to research and personalize each one. That amount of time is very much appreciated...
Thank You again for your thoughts and advice on the subject,
Marvin J. II
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Shalom Rabbi,
...In conclusion, I can attest to the fact that your class discussion is absolutely true. I am much more at peace and content with my current belief in God's Existence because I rediscovered my Original Operating System through the study of the 7 commands a long time ago. Through my studies at B’nai Noach Torah Institute as a student recently, my instincts I discovered when I was 12 years old are now confirmed and fulfilled because I now know I am not alone in thoughts and perceptions regarding God’s Existence. I know it is true what you see around on the earth confirmation of God's Existence. My long search for God is now complete. I have an easier time praying directly to God and am no longer swayed by emotions of false religions in this world. I do not reflect on my belief in God as ‘religion’. I am simply connecting to God based on His original plan that begins with Adam before the fall.
Saw P.
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Shalom Leah,
I had written an earlier e-mail to request that I be dropped from the e-mail class list because what with conversion to Judaism studies, University studies, and teaching full time, I simply no longer have the time for the Advanced Parsha Spiritualist studies, namely Bereishis 101/102.
I know that you and Dr. Belk know that I am studious and greatly respect and honor you both. Because I am under Rabbi Leider and the Rebbetzin's instruction now, I am obligated to be taught only by them.
Thank you so much for all of your kindnesses and your thoughtful attention to my letters. May you both be well and blessings and peace be upon you.
Most Sincerely,
Devorah C.
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Shalom Rabbi,
Thank you very much for the story. Its light entered my mind that Hashem hears the cry of everyone, regardless of creed, race, and religion.
Peace and Blessing,
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Blessing Dear Teacher,
It is a find day here in Houston - Have a great Shabbat I am so glad to be at B'nai Noach Torah Institute....
Thank You!
Terri R.,
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Thank you Rabbi Belk,
The weekly study is really appreciated, I am learning some very good things with this program.
Tony B.
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Shalom Rabbi,
Although I was not raised to believe in God, I have been searching for "something more" for the larger part of my life. In some periods more than in others, but there was always an underlying feeling that something was missing. So I did what I thought was logical and tried to belong to mainstream religion. I identified as a Christian and I liked this for quite a while. I'm not sure what triggered me to start looking elsewhere. I knew there were inconsistencies in Christian doctrine, but they never bothered me. Now they started bothering me... As a result I researched the internet for two years when I found B’nai Noach Torah Institute.
I am still in my first year, but I find the things I am learning amazing. Ha Torah is so wonderful! There are so many hidden meanings behind the stories that I used to read as just that - a story. I love the consistency of Ha Torah. Although I still have many questions, I always find the answer to be logical, to be satisfying. This is very different from when I studied the New Testament, where I was continually left with questions...
Kind regards,
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I know you don't need the extra mail, but I just have to say Rabbi Belk's responses to my answers are a treasure trove of information, and are an excellent study in themselves.
Thanks a lot for these classes,
Greg W.
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Shalom Dr. Belk,
When I first realized that Christianity was an idolatrous religion, I began to study Orthodox Judaism. The more that I learned, the more knowledge I desired, because I was starving for HaShem's TRUTH. I realize now that together, Jews and Spiritualists performing their Mitzvot and approaching HaShem with the right kavanah, together we can bring Moshiach. MAY HE COME NOW!! Had the Jews not chosen to fulfill their Commandment to ‘Teach the gentile nations’, I would have never discovered this beautiful TRUTH and purpose for my life. Without Jewish teaching, I would still be in a false religion, worshipping a false god (Yuskie).
Thank you, Dr. Belk, for sharing your love and knowledge of Torah with Spiritualists.
Patty P.
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Shalom Rabbi,
Again I would like to express my gratitude by saying a THANK YOU!!!! for allowing me to continue my studies with you.
Blessings and Peace!!!
Yer Me Yah Whoo {Jeremah}
Dear One,
At B'nai Noach Torah Institute we do what we can to assist our classmates in learning Ha Torah. We invite those who greatly desire to observe either Judaism or Spirituality {B'nai Noachide} to sign up for course at B'nai Noach Torah Institute.
Blessings and Peace to you,
Dr. Akiva Gamliel Belk