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tpewOm Mk,l; WnT]
Give A Sign for Yourselves ©
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By Dr. Akiva Gamliel Belk
Our Devri Torah is in the loving Memory of Mr. Arnold Student Litman and Donald Wayne Belk and Mr. Gary Lee Belk, may they rest in peace.
Parshat Shemot Va'eira
Shemot Exodus 6.2 - 9.35
Shemot 7.9
rmo+ale h~[or"P' µk≤¶lea} rBeŸd"y" y°Ki
T...¢r"m'a;w" tp´-/m µk≤`l; WnìT]
Ël´àv]h'w" ÚüF]m'Ata≤â jq"é ˆro%h}a'Ala≤â
.ˆyNIêt'l] yhiày" h[o¡r"p'AynEêp]li
For when Pharaoh says to you 'Give a sign [or miracle] for yourselves, and then you [Moshe] should say to Aharon, 'Take everything from Aleph to Tav of your rod then throw it down before Pharaoh. [Your rod] will become a serpent.
It is note worthy to mention that just thirty-six Words after tpEwOm Moh Fay, meaning sign or miracle we find the Word, µypiV]kæm]læw", Vih Lah Mih Chah Shih Feem, meaning and for magicians [sorcerers]. Both Words are the Gematria 526. G-d Willing we will discuss the Gematria connection of 526 later. The number thirty six is the Gematria of Úd<y:B], Bih Yaw Deh Chaw, meaning in your hand.
In Shemot 4.2 Ha Torah States:
'Hashem Said to [Moshe] ''What is that Úd<y:b], Vih Yaw Deh Chaw, in your hand?'' [Moshe] said, a rod. [Hashem Said] 'Throw it on the ground.' [Moshe] threw it on the ground and it became a snake...
In Shemot 4.17 Hashem Instructs Moshe:
'And take everything of Aleph to Tav of this rod Úd<y:B, in your hand, for with it you will perform everything from Aleph to Tav of [miraculous] signs.'
Shemot 4.17
Úd<-y:B] jQ"∞Ti hZ<¡h' hF≤àM'h'Ata,w"
.ttoêaoh;Ata, /B¡Ahc,[}T' rv≤àa}
Now it is VERY IMPORTANT to note that the last Word of Shemot 4.17 is ttoaoh;, Haw Oh Toht, meaning signs. ttoaoh;, Haw Oh Toht is plural for twOa, Ooht, meaning sign. Why is it important to clarify that ttoaoh;, Haw Oh Toht, means signs? It is important because in Shemot 7.9 the Word tpEwOm Moh Fay, meaning sign or miracle is used. Jews, Spiritualists [Noachides] and Christians ALL translate tpEwOm Moh Fay as sign in Shemot 7.9 In addition to this we can refer back to Shemot 4.17 where Hashem, the Creator of everything States that through this rod Moshe would perform many ttoaoh;, Haw Oh Toht, signs. Again, in the first usage of ttoaoh;, Haw Oh Toht in Bereisheit [Genesis] 1.14 and in the second usage in Shemot 4.17 Jews, Spiritualists and Christians all translate ttoaoh;, Haw Oh Toht as signs.
In Shemot 4.9 Ha Torah Says:
'And if they will not believe these two twOtaoh;, Haw Oh Toht, signs, and they will not listen to your voice ...' Again Jews, Spiritualists and Christians agree. twOtaoh;, Haw Oh Toht, signs means signs. These Passukim [verses] are really good because IT DOES NOT ALLOW FOR ANY SQUIGGLE ROOM when we discuss what Jesus says about signs later!! G-d Willing we will come back to this shortly.
In Shemot 4.21 Ha Torah Says:
Hashem Said to Moshe, 'On your return to Mitzriam [Egypt] see [think about] all the wondrous [signs] that I have placed Úd<y:b], Vih Yaw Deh Chaw, in your hand, and do them to Pharaoh.
It is important to Observe that in these Passukim the Words, tpEwOm Moh Fay, meaning sign or miracle is and ttoaoh;, Haw Oh Toht, signs are used to describe the very same things. Now having said this I would like to refer Sefer HaYashar, noted in KJV as 'The Book of Jasher' in Joshua 10.13 and 2 Samuel 1.18. The NIV translations notes this as the Book of Jashar. Sefer Ha Yashar dates back to before 2488 F.C. i.e around the time of the Giving of Ha Torah on Mount Sinai. The Book of Jasher states, 'In the morning, the king sent for the two brothers [Moshe and Aharon]. They came with the staff [rod] and spoke again: ''Thus says the [G-d] of the Hebrews, 'Let My people leave so that they may serve Me.' ''
''Who do you think will believe you, said the [king] when you say that you are messengers of [G-d] and you come here by His [Command]? Give me a sign, so that your statements may be verified.'' Sefer HaYashar (Hoboken, NJ: KTAV Publishing House, Inc., 1993) p.197
'[G-d Told Moshe] the end at the beginning, Note that it does not say: If Pharaoh will speak unto you, but, WHEN HE SHALL SPEAK UNTO YOU, as if to say, Pharaoh will speak unto you thus. R, Judah, son of R. Shalom, said: [G-d Said, 'Pharaoh] is quite right to say: SHOW A WONDER FOR YOU (VII,9), for so you find in the case of Noah.' After all the miracles which [G-d Had Performed] for him in the ark, when He brought him forth and [Said] to him, And the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh' (Gen. IX, 15),Noah began to demand a sign, and [G-d Has] to assure him: I have set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token (ib. 16). If Noah who was righteous asked for a sign, shall not Pharaoh who is wicked certainly do so? Similarly, in the case of Hezekiah, when Isaiah came and said to him: 'Thus Saith the [L-rd] . . . behold, I will heal thee; on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of the [L-rd]' (II Kings xx, 5), Hezekiah demanded a sign, as it says: And Hezekiah said unto Isaiah: What shall be the sign that the [L-rd Will] heal me, and that I shall go up unto the house of the [L-rd] the third day (ib.8). If Hezekiah who was righteous asked for a sign, shall not Pharaoh who is wicked certainly do so?' Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman, Midrash Rabba Exodus III (New York, NY: The Soncino Press 1983) - Midrash Rabbah writes, Tamar was the daughter of Shem. pp120.121
Dear reader with many references we have established that a sign is proper. Both the righteous and the wicked as our Creator for signs. Now we must ask, Does G-d Love each human being equally? Christians Believe that G-d is not a Respecter of persons. Paul writes in Romans 2:11 'For there is no respect of persons with [G-d].' 'For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same [lord] over all is rich unto all that call upon him, Romans 10:12. If Christians believe that G-d is Fair... that G-d is Just... that G-d is Mercifully... that G-d is Love why would Christians believe that the generation in which the Messiah comes would not be given many signs of what was about to happen?
Why would Jesus say, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah", Matthew 12.39. Jesus repeated his claim in Matthew 16:4 'A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.' Luke reported that Jesus said, "This is a wicked generation. It asks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah", Luke 11:29. Was Jesus implying that G-d Loved wicked Pharaoh much more than the wicked and adulterous generation? G-d Gave many signs through Moshe to wicked Pharaoh. Why wouldn't G-d give the same opportunity to this wicked and adulterous generation? G-d Gave the wicked people of Nineveh forty days to repent. G-d Sent Jonah to preach to the wicked people of Nineveh. See Jonah 1.2;3.1-4 Why wouldn't G-d Give the same opportunity to this wicked and adulterous generation?
Three times Jesus is said to have repeated the ONLY sign that would be given to the wicked and adulterous generation would be the sign of the prophet Jonah.
What was the sign?
Jesus own prophecy recorded in Matthew 12.40 states, Jesus said, For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. What is the problem here? According to the New Testament Jesus' alleged resurrection took place on the morning of the First Day. Jesus own prophecy recorded in Matthew 12.40 conflicts with the New Testament account.
Do the math... Three full days:
Day one is from late on the sixth day to late on the seventh day.
Day two is from late on the seventh day to late on the First Day.
Day three is from late on the First Day to late on the second day.
Try three partial days and nights:
Day one is before sunset on the preparation day, the sixth day. Night one follows.
Day two is Shabbat, the seventh day. Night two follows.
Day three is the First Day of the week. This does not work either. Why? There is no night three.
According to the New Testament this is suppose to be a sign. What kind of a sign is this? Jesus was not in the heart of the earth 3 days and 3 nights.
Dear ones for centuries the Catholic church and many Protestants have been observing Good Friday as the late afternoon / night they claim Jesus was buried. According to Catholics and Protestants Jesus allegedly arose on the morning of the first day. Do the math.
Now lets conclude with the Gematria 526. Moshe performed the real signs. However the sorcerers performed magic. Jonah was in the big fishes belly three days and three nights. Jesus was NOT in the heart of the earth three days and three nights. Moshe's sign was real. The sorcerers was magic. Simply put what is a real sign? Moshe's rod consumed the rods of the sorcerers. Moshe's rod was the real thing! Jesus is said to have proclaimed three different times what the sign would be for the wicked and adulterous generation. Did Jesus fulfill the sign? Was Jesus in the heart of the earth three days and three nights? This was NOT a sign. It did not happen....
526 = t400 p80 w6 m40
526 = µ40 y10 p80 v300 k20 m40 l30 w6
The thirty-six Words after tpEwOm Moh Fay, meaning sign or miracle to the Word, µypiV]kæm]læw", Vih Lah Mih Chah Shih Feem, meaning and for magicians [sorcerers] teach us the down fall of Pharaoh, the sorcerers and Mitzriam was Úd<y:B], Bih Yaw Deh Chaw, meaning in your hand [in Moshe's hand]. The Gematria of Úd<y:B], Bih Yaw Deh Chaw is thirty six.
36 = ˚20 d4 y10 b2
May Hashem Bless us with the knowledge of His Truth.
Blessings and peace,
Dr. Akiva Gamliel
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