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Shalom Dear Ones,
G-d Willing, The Rebbetzin and I plan to blog live for about an hour on 01-04-2009. It would really be nice if you would join with us at 3:00 P. M and again at 8:00 PM Eastern Time Zone. This is free time for everyone to ask questions, share thoughts and interact with others... We look forward to you joining with us. If you have any questions about blogging send them to us at the Email below...
3:00 P. M and again at 8:00 PM Eastern Time Zone.
8:00 pm Eastern Time Zone

G-d Willing we will be checking this Email address every hour from now until we blog.
Thank you!
Blessings and peace,
Dr. Akiva Gamliel
Shalom Dear Ones,
We will begin our live blogging in just a few minutes, G-d Willing.