(Exodus 13:17-17:16) By Dr. Akiva G. Belk
When B'nei Yisroel exited Mitzriam the word Ha Awm, meaning "the people" is written three times at the beginning of Parshas Beshalach. Exodus 13:17,18. It is not by chance that it is stated three times. When something is stated three times as Ha Awm is, we pay special attention to it. The Gematria of Ha Awm is {from right to left} We find this strength of Chaw Zawk in the
Gematria of the person of Moshe Rabbeinu. We find it in his special
leadership abilities. 3 x 115 = 345. The Gematria of Moshe is
345. {from right to left} We also observe an interesting connection
in the three repetitions of Ha Awm. The three Hey's represent "FIVE"
{See second black Gematrias at top of page} Chay Maw Sh {Chumash} means Five. That is why one name for the Torah, the five books of Moshe, is referred to as Chumash. Cho Mesh, meaning "Five" Our sages say only 1/ 5th of B'nei Yisroel actually came up out of Mitzriam. They base this on a mystical interpretation of Exodus 13:18 from the root of the word Vah Cha Moo Shem. From this we understand "One fifth were saved." From the same passage in Exodus 13:18 we also have the literal interpretation from the same word, Vah Cha Moo Shem which comes from the root five but can also mean "Armed". The Three Ayin's represent: The three Mem's represent {See third blue
Gematrias at top of page} 3 x 5 =15 The fifteenth of Nissan (first night
of Passover) In Ha Awm we see many powerful themes: the Torah {Chumash}; remembering Pesach; remembering the years of bondage; remembering the greatness of Moshe Rabbeinu, our teacher; Moshe's strong leadership; reproduction strength given while living in Mitzriam {our ancestors grew from 70 to over three million in just 210 years}; strength to the people given by Hashem upon departing Mitzriam; and the wisdom from the elders. Wishing you the best!,
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