Readership Response
Dr. Akiva G. Belk, Director
- Jewishpath,
I enjoyed your website and your insight into why Yeshua is not
the Messiah. I'am a Jew well learned in the Torah and not ignorant
to Jewish customs and traditions. Please help me with Isaiah
9:6-7 who is the author speaking of is it messiah? Christians
say thats so. What do you make of it, personally I'am confused.
Will the messiah be G-d or who will he be?
Please respond,
- Subject: A Special Lesson
on Isaiah 9:6,7
- Shalom Matt,
- Thank you for writing to
us regarding Isaiah 9:6,7. Dr. Belk has written an article entitled
"Does Isaiah 9:6 Refer to Jesus or Hezekiah? Is This Verse
a Messianic Prophecy?" The article is four 8 1/2 by 11 pages
in length. This article is due to be published as part of an
upcoming book by Dr. Belk. There are many subjects that Dr. Belk
has written about that do not appear on the JewishPath web "Sight".
This is one of them. If you would like to review this article,
it is available to you prior to being published for $3.00 plus
$1.00 shipping and handling {all $4.00 of which is non refundable}.
- To order, send a copy of
this e-mail along with money order or check payable to Dr. Akiva
G. Belk {no cash} to:
- Dr. Akiva G. Belk
POB 1075
Georgetown, CO 80444-1075
- Regards,
- Rachel Gold
- A side note by Dr.Belk
- Dear Matt,
- The Torah teaches that we
will have two messiahs, one from the house of Dovid and the other
from the house of Yosief. The messiah from the house of Yosief
will die in battle. The messiah from the house of Dovid will
be a crowned king after his forefather Dovid HaMelech. NEITHER
WILL BE G-D! Hashem is our deliverer but not our messiah.
- Best Regards,
- Akiva G. Belk
- Dear Friends,
I grew up under Methodist parents, spent teen and early 20's
lost without any hope or idea of what I was missing out on. Within
past 2 years, I have been going to a nondenominational Christian
church where they/we seek to follow the new testament. Through
my own personal studies and studies with my home Bible study
group I have found many things that have convicted my heart.
The main things are these holidays I've been involved in all
my life. And not knowing how they began. I have been researching
beginnings of holidays and such and found discrepancies that
bother me. What I would like from you is a basic plan of how
I should act on all this. I have printed most of your articles
from your site to educate myself on what I should be doing as
a person, but being adopted and not Jewish, how does that affect
me? Am I really not included? This is very disturbing and I do
not wish to discuss this with the pastor. Because I feel I would
get a 'predjudiced' answer.
So if you were in my shoes where would you start and what would
you do. I will appreciate any help you can supply me with.
- Thank you for your time,
Subject: What To Do About
Discrepancies in Christian / Messianic Holidays
Shalom Lori,
Dr. Belk will respond to your
e mail letter in the near future. We receive hundreds of requests.
Your letter is on his response list. It will be a little while,
please be patient.
Rachel Gold,
Shalom Lori,
Your letter is touching. We
cannot advise you, but we can answer your questions from a Torah
First, there is a place for
everyone. When G-d created this world He established what we
refer to as The Seven Noaic Laws. G-d intended these laws to
govern all humanity until He gave the Torah to the Jewish people.
When Hashem gave the Torah to the descendants of Avraham, Yitzchok
and Yaakov the Jews became a chosen people. The Jews were chosen
to live by a higher standard than the rest of the world while
at the same time the rest of the world was to continue observing
The Seven Noaich Laws. Jews observe 613 commandments while the
rest of the world is obligated to observe seven commandments.
Now many of our commandments
have to do with the Kohanim {priests} and the service of the
Bais HaMikdosh {The Holy Temple}.
Second, many people worldwide
have begun to recognize problems in their beliefs. Some of these
people have embraced congregations known as Noachide Congregations.
They teach and observe The Seven Noaich Laws.
Third, even though we do not
recommend this, some people desire to convert to Judaism. When
done properly this requires several years. Many of these individuals
after receiving an up close examination of Judaism choose not
to continue with the conversion process. True observance is a
very different way of life. And unfortunately we also have those
within Judaism who step out of the sacred bounds of Torah.
Now that we have responded
to your inquiry we would like to ask a few questions of our own
which will assist us in better understanding your particular
Please answer the following:
Age, education major, areas
of interest, marital status, children / ages, grandchildren and
relationship with spouse, children, parents,...
Remember, your choices will
affect everyone that you love. It is wise to be cautious while
carefully examining all the possibilities.
Fourth, sometimes Hashem reveals
things to us that need to be changed. Maybe your knowledge and
research are tools for reformation within your present religious
body. Being patient and proactive can and will have positive
results. JewishPath is a proactive, activist Jewish organization.
We actively expose, address and gently press to solve problems
through Torah observance. We are successful!!
If you would like a copy of
a future booklet by Dr. Belk which carefully discusses The Seven
Noaich Laws, you can send $3.00 American Dollars plus $1.00 shipping
and handling {all $4.00 of which is non refundable} in the form
of a check or money order to:
- Dr. Akiva Belk
POB 1075
- Georgetown, Colorado 80444
Also, please remember we need
the support of readers like yourself.
JewishPath is a non profit
volunteer organization. We deeply appreciate every contribution.
Even the smallest gift is greatly appreciated. If every fifth
visitor sent just $1.00 we could hire and maintain a fulltime
staff to answer questions like yours.
In advance we thank you for
whatever you may be able to do.
JewishPath, Inc.
POB 1075
Georgetown, Colorado USA 80444
With kindest regards and all
the best wishes for you and yours,
- Akiva G. Belk
- Editor's Note: The Seven
Noaich Commands are now available. You may also download
this artice by Dr. Belk for non commercial private study only:
SEVEN Noaich Commands
- If you would like a copy
of the booklet, he charges a non refundable $3.00 American Dollars
plus $1.00 shipping and handling. If you are interested you can
order Dr. Belk's booklet by sending a check or money order to:
- Dr. Akiva Belk
POB 1075
- Georgetown, Colorado 80444.
Best regards,
Rachel Gold,
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