The first indication, based on the current U.S. space mission, came when the small roving vehicle called Sojourner spotted a sign on the rocky terrain of Red Planet that read, "Welcome To The Chabad House -- Bring Moshiach Now." The sign, in English, thrilled and confused NASA scientists back in Houston, who had no idea what it meant. Only after thorough research did they learn
that it revealed the presence of a dedicated and particularly
hearty group of Lubavitch chasidim, known for their tireless
efforts to reach Jews in the most remote regions, urging them
to perform mitzvot. In a subsequent phone call, the Rabbi noted that in recent days Yeshiva HaShamayim recently opened it's doors offering higher levels of interplanetary learning. In his conversation he expressed concern over the recent purchase of the red rocks across the street by the reform congregation for their new modern sanctuary. Following up on that information, we contacted Rabbi Uri Negev, a Reform leader in Israel, who said that when he had met secretly with the chief rabbis of Israel in Jerusalem recently, they told him that if Reform Jews wanted to pray in peace, they should go to Mars. "So we did," said Rabbi Negev, "and no one has bothered us, except the local Conservative congregation that keeps trying to borrow our membership list." A Conservative congregation on Mars? Yes, it is true, acknowledged a leader of the Jewish Theological Seminary. "We discovered that blending Jewish law and modernity just doesn't work on earth, and we're always looking for new venues," explained Rabbi Ismore Sources. The rabbi complained bitterly of financial competition from the United Jewish Appeal-Interplanetary Division, which has been scouring Mars via satellite in search of potential donors. Stephen Solomon, the chief executive of the charity acknowledged that highly motivated fund-raisers have been active throughout the galaxy for several light years. "We've determined through a Strategic Planet Plan that our most compelling marketing strategy is rescue," he said. "The trouble is we haven't found anyone out there to save!" That's been a problem, as well, for Abraham Loxsmith of the Anti-Defamation League. "We are prepared to open a major branch on Mars, and we've already ordered the press releases and fax papers. But, so far, no one has defamed us." Loxsmith is considering whether the lack of defamation may be due to a form of active, even hostile, disinterest in Jews that qualifies as anti-Semitism. All this sudden interest among Jews about Mars has motivated Malcolm Phoneline to form a new umbrella group, the Conference of Presidents of Major Martian Jewish Organizations (CPMMJO). He said the group has already received several calls from anonymous rabbium inquiring as to whether there were any Pell grants available on Mars. Meanwhile, a number of kosher-for-Passover tours have scouted out the Red Planet as a unique alternative to places like Palm Springs and Hawaii for Jaded holiday vacationers. One tour operator noted that Rabbi Orson Vells has already been hired to conduct and broadcast the communal seders, to be called "The War Of The Words," and that space stations are under construction to transport large supplies of oxygen, horseradish and shmura matzah for the eight-day festival. "It will be out of this world," the travel expert said, "and, I assure you, very tastefully done." In addition to that several rabbium of the interplanetary rabbinical counsel were over heard discussing the formation of a committee called Rice Require Interplanetary Congregation Equality. the committee first goal was to attract at least one Chinese restaurant to Mars before the orthodox deli opens in the fall. Tourism might be effected adversely, though, by a late report that Palestinian authorities are claiming entitlement to 92 percent of Mars, asserting that Arab ties to the planet can be traced back to the Koran.
Attorney Wanted The devil agreed. The next day the residents of heaven noticed that the devil had completely rebuilt the fence as agreed to except he moved the fence line two feet further into heaven than before. The resedients of heaven were angry. They called the Devil and said, 'You have to take that fence down and put it back where it belongs!' 'Yeah? What if I don't?' replied the devil. 'We will sue you if you don't.
Two Nights Out
Life Extention Mr. Rabinowicz is dumbstruck. After a while he replies "That's terrible doctor. But I must admit to you that I can't afford to pay your bill." "Ok" says the doctor, "I'll give you a year to live."
Stranded The first Chelmite asks to be intelligent. Instantly, he learns to swim and swims off the island. The second one asks to be even more intelligent than the previous one, so instantly he builds a boat and sails off the island. The third Chelmite asks to become even more intelligent than the previous two, and he walks across the bridge.
Red Light "GO"! "Listen." he says, "When you went through the red light, I didn't say anything. But why on earth are you stopping at a green light?" The Israeli driver looks at him as if the American was deranged: "Are you crazy?!", he shouts. "The other guy has a red light! Do you want to get us killed?"
A Little Yiddish / English
His Brother is... Mamma says, "I don't know, what would I wear?" Yaakov says "Don't worry, I'll send you a dressmaker." Momma reminds him, "Remember I only eat
kosher food." "But how will I get there?" asks Momma. "I'll send a limo. says Yaakov. Please, just come mama." Mamma says, "Ok, Ok, if it makes you happy." The great day comes and Mama is seated between the Supreme Court Justices and the future Cabinet members. She nudges the gentleman on her right. "You see that boy, the one giving the speech? His brother's a doctor!"
A Jewish gentleman, fresh out of gift ideas, bought his mother-in-law a large plot in an expensive cemetary. On her next birthday, he bought her nothing. She was quick to comment loud and long on his thoughtlessness. "Well, you haven't used the gift I gave
you last year," he responded. When Benjamin Netanyahu turned over the reins
of government to Ehud Barak, the public and political pundits
were all quite surprised how It appears that Netanyahu handed Barak three
envelopes, each consecutively numbered from 1 to 3. Netanyahu
told Barak that Peres had "When things get tough," said Netanyahu,
"open the envelope marked Number 1 and follow the instructions.
If things get worse, open the Barak, being an intensely curious and impatient
man and one who is frequently up at all hours of the night, became
rather curious as to the
Yitzchok was a good and pious man, and when he passed away, Michael greeted him at the pearly gates. "Hungry, Yitzchok?" Michael asked. "I could eat," said Yitzchokr. Michael opened a can of tuna, and they shared it. While eating this humble meal, Yitzchok looked down into Hell and noticed the inhabitants devouring enormous steaks, pheasant, pastries and vodka. The next day, Michaek again asked Yitzchok if he were hungry, and he said, "I could eat." Once again, a can of tuna was opened and shared, while down below Yitzchok noticed a feast of caviar, champagne, lamb, truffles, brandy, andchocolates. The following day, mealtime arrived and another can of tuna was opened. Meekly, Yitzchok said, "Michael, I am very happy to be in heaven as a reward for the good life I lived. But, this is heaven, and all I get to eat is tuna. But in the Other Place, they eat like Kings. I just don't understand." "To be honest, Yitzchok, it doesn't pay to cook just for us." answered Michael
1. Never take a front-row seat at a brisk.
A Job In Disguise The next day, the circus opened and the Jew found himself standing for hour after hour, dressed as a lion, and in a cage - next to a large growling bear. However, tedium soon turned to utter fright, when the Jew noticed that the door connecting his cage to the giant bear was actually ajar. Feeling no braver because of his ferocious lion's outfit, the Jew began to tremble uncontrollably, as the gigantic bear pushed open the connecting door, and advanced toward him; and although not religious, the Jew could think of nothing to do, but fall to the floor and scream the words of so many famous Jewish martyrs, "Shema Yisroel, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echod." To which the bear immediately responded in a Brooklyn accent "Boruch Shem K'vod Malchuso Leolam Voed."
A Last Wish They asked the Frenchman what he wanted. "Give me some good French wine and French bread," he requested. So they gave it to him, he ate it, and then they executed him. Next it was the Italian's turn. "Give me a big plate of pasta," said the Italian. So they brought it to him, he ate it, and then they executed him. Now it was the Jew's turn. "I want a big bowl of strawberries, " said the Jew. "Strawberries!!! They aren't even in season!" "Nu, so I'll wait..."
A Call From Jerusalem... The Pope was overjoyed and told G-d how wise his decision was, then asked "What's the bad news?". G-d said, "the bad news is that I am calling from Jerusalem. "
A Retired Rabbi's Advice The older rabbi said, 'it might help if put a little vodka in the water pitcher. After a few sips, everything should go smoothly'. That Thursday the young rabbi followed the suggestion and really talked up a storm. After the drash, he asked the retired rabbi how he had done. "Fine," he replied, but there were a few things you should learn before you address the congregation again 1. Next time, sip the vodka rather than gulping it down glassful after glassful. 2. There are ten commandments, not twelve. 3. David slew Goliath, he didn't kick the hell out of him...
Yeshiva Togetherness The chief rabbi finally decided to send Yankel to spy on the Harvard team. So Yankel shlepped off to Cambridge and hid in the bullrushes off the Charles River, from where he carefully watched the Harvard team as they practiced. Yankel finally returned to Yeshiva. "I have figured out their secret," he announced. "They have eight guys rowing and only one guy shouting."
Gan Eden "Look at their reserve, their calm," muses the Brit. "They must be British." "Nonsense," the Frenchman disagrees. "They're naked, and so beautiful. Clearly, they are French." "No clothes, no shelter," the Russian points out, "they have only an apple to eat, and they're being told this is paradise. They are Russian Jews."
One Dollar A one dollar bill met his old friend the 20 dollar bill and said, "Hey, where've you been? I haven't seen you around here much." The twenty answered, "I've been hanging out at the casinos, went on a cruise and did the rounds of the ship, back to the United States for awhile, went to a couple of baseball games, to the mall, that kind of stuff. How about you?" The one dollar bill said, "You know, same old stuff, contribution to Shul pushke, contribution to church, congribution to 15th street beggar, pushke, 17th Ave acordian player, pushke..."
Please, traveler, why not? So why not? Print out this page... glue the address to an envelope and drop a buck... or visit our Contribution Page and Membership Page JewishPath, Inc. Thanks! JewishPath Staff Two Mischievous Brothers Hearing about a rabbi nearby who worked with delinquent boys, the mother suggested to the father that they ask the rabbi to talk with the boys. The father replied, "Sure!" The mother went to the rabbi and made her request. He agreed, but said he wanted to see the younger boy first and alone. So the mother sent him to the rabbi while the father kept Yisroel at home. The rabbi sat the Yaakov down across a huge, impressive desk he sat behind. For about five minutes they just sat and stared at each other. Finally, the rabbi pointed his forefinger at Yaakov and asked, "Where is Hashem?" Yaakov said nothing. Again, in a louder tone, the rabbi pointed at Yaakov and asked, "Where is Hashem?" Again Yaakov said nothing. A third time, in a louder, firmer voice, the rabbi leaned far across the desk and put his forefinger almost in Yaakov's nose, and asked, "Where is Hashem?" Yaakov panicked and ran all the way home. Finding his older brother, he dragged him upstairs to their room and into the closet, where they usually plotted their mischief. He finally said, "We are in BIIIIG trouble." Yiosroel asked, "What do you mean, BIIIIG trouble?" Yaakov replied, "Hashem is missing... and they think we did it."
Avie Says... The rabbi laughs and says "That's great, Shlomo. Why?". The Shlomo answers "'Cause my Avie says you're the poorest rabbi we have ever had!"
A Kosher Snack? The rabbi apologized for being so late and
went on into Mrs. Greenberg's room. He sat next to her. Then
he said a few words of incouragement. Then Mrs. Greenberg started
to talk about her day. While he was listening, he noticed a small
bowl of peanuts The rabbi Interupted, and asked if he could have a few of the peanuts. She of course said yes, and continued on and on, talking about her day. The rabbi interrupted her again and said "Mrs. Greenberg I'm sorry, I've eaten almost all your peanuts." Mrs. Greenberg looked at him and said, "Don't worry about it at all, I can't eat peanuts, I just like to eat the chocolate off of them...."
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