

Genesis 1.1

Dear Study Partners, The Torah of The Lord is so rich with good things for each of us. Each week it is a new challenge determining what to share. God Willing, this year we will continue with our chapter by chapter study of Genesis. And from time to time we may zoom in on a Scripture.

Bereisheit 1.1
בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ: ב

Genesis 1.1
In the beginning God Created Everything from the First Letter of The Aleph Bet To The last Letter of The Aleph Bet of The Heavens and Everything from the First Letter of The Aleph Bet To The last Letter of The Aleph Bet of the earth.

Now, Dear Ones, let’s briefly examine a few of these seven words from the first Scripture in The Torah.

Bih Ray Sheet / In the beginning

Create / Baw Raw

God is the Creator of ALL! Second, even though God’s Name, Elohim is Plural – He Singularly Created. The Holy Name of God is written once in the first Scripture of The Torah with important intent. First, everything. There is no ‘THEY’ in The Word בָּרָא Baw Raw, Created.

Elohim / God

The third Word is Elohim, meaning gods, judges, rulers. The Orthodox write and say Elohim with a deviation. They say, Elokim as a method of protecting God’s Holy Name. Elohim is written in The Torah hundreds of times in reference to God. In this situation, Elohim is always singular. Christians believe Elokim is in reference to the Trinity, meaning God the Father, God the son {Jesus} and God, the Holy Spirit. We who are the caretakers of The Holy Torah, We, the Jewish People view God only as ONE! The Shema Says, ‘Hear, Oh Israel; The Lord our God is ONE (ECHAD), Lord;


Everything from א Aleph The first Letter of The Aleph Bet To ת Taw The last Letter of The Aleph Bet is included. Using The Word אֵת Eth is an emphatic way of saying ‘Everything is included from the Letter Aleph to The Letter Tav.

Hah Sh Mah Yeem / the Heavens

God wants us to know that He created everything In The Heavens.

Vih Eht

Everything from א Aleph The first Letter of The Aleph Bet To ת Taw The last Letter of The Aleph Bet. Everything is included. Using The Word אֵת Eth is an emphatic way of saying ‘Everything is included from the Letter Aleph to The Letter Tav.

הָאָרֶץ: ס
The earth. Haw Aw Rehtz

God wants us to know that He created everything in the earth and in all of creation.

Dear Study Partners, may this Sabbath and every Sabbath be a blessed Day.

Good Sabbath!

Dr. Akiva Belk

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