Gen. 46 – Reunion
Dear family and friends, Genesis 46 speaks of Jacob’s family reunion in Egypt. All the family got together! Holy Scripture goes on to Inform us about the family reunion. The Holy Scriptures remind us that the union in reunion is significant. ‘all the soul [souls] of the house of Jacob, who came to Egypt, were seventy,’ Genesis 46.27. The Word for a single soul is נפש Nephesh. The Word for more than one soul is נפשות Nah-Fih-Sh. Mystically Ha Torah is sharing that everyone from Jacob’s loins shared the same single soul [נפש Nephesh]. In previous chapters, Jacob’s sons are spread about. Joseph is in Egypt. Simone is in jail. Benjamin is with Jacob. The other sons are caring for their vast herds and their families. Now, Holy Scripture Informs us that all of Jacob’s seed came down with him to Egypt. They were unified with Jacob, and Jacob was unified with God. They were ‘ONE’.
Genesis 46.5 – 7
And Jacob rose from Beersheba, and the sons of Israel carried Jacob, their father, and their little ones, and their wives, in the wagons which Pharaoh had sent to carry him. 6 And they took their cattle, and their goods, which they had gained in the land of Canaan, and came to Egypt, Jacob, and all his seed with him; 7 His sons, and his grandsons with him, his daughters, and his sons’ daughters, and all his seed brought he with him to Egypt.
Our ancestors went down to Egypt, immunity, in unity. They were all of the same soul, according to Genesis 46.15, 18, 22, 25, and 27. They were like-minded! In a few weeks, Jews throughout the world will again be like-minded As we gather for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We will have the opportunity to void our vows and to walk arm in arm to a body of water to toss a stone representing our sins into that body of water. The shofar sounds leading us up to Rosh Hashanah and on to Yom Kippur. Hope and Expectation rise. We wonder, will Moshiach come this year? As a people, we will have the opportunity to unite with our father, Jacob, as we pray the Shema. Children returned home to reunite with parents and grandparents. Rosh Hashanah, through Sukkot, is the season of reuniting. The question is, will we bond together as one? Jewish people are scattered, fractured, bewildered, into many pieces scattered throughout the world. There is terror, tragedy, and distraction from rockets, bombings, and other explosive devices. Having stated the above, let’s remember that our goal this time of the year is reuniting. As we gather to unite, in prayer, let’s be mindful of our surroundings. Let’s lift The Holy Name of God together. Let’s be conscious of those with needs. This week is the time to assist those with needs in advance of reuniting.
America and many of the nations of the world are at a junction. Americans are on the sidelines, watching our country implode. Americans are experiencing human rights abuses. The Lord God Created each of us as equal in the beginning. ALL LIFE MATTERS, including children in the womb, people of every color, and our Law Enforcement Officers!!! We are experiencing an extreme violation of our laws by our elected officials and civil servants. POLITICAL ABUSE OF POWER is rampant in our country. The Lord God Established Laws in The Torah that hold each of us accountable.
Holy Scripture Records the record as established by The Lord our God. He designated lands and made borders!!! He established a system of equal justice for all. Our treatment of each other is pathetic!
Every fifty years we are supposed to hit the reset button, i.e., during The Year of Jubilee. Our nation is overdue for a reset.
We are in the season of return, repentance, restitution, and justice. As humans, we must UNITE to remove many SELF SERVING POLITICIANS!! Our country cannot unite with all the Dathan’s stirring up problems in our country and in the world.
We can unite in Tiferet [Beauty]. Now, in advance of The Holy Days, we should begin making preparations. We should give tzedakah. We should blow the shofar. We should responsibly enjoy some liquor, wines, and other drinks with pleasant foods for our New Year celebrations.
May The Lord Bless us with our physical and spiritual preparation for Rosh HaShannah and may we be worthy to continue with our name inscribed in The Book of Living!
Blessings and peace,
Dr. Akiva Gamliel Belk