01 – The Revealed Light

Study Partners, there are 613 Observances written within The Five Books of Moshe, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These Observances were at that time Given to all. 2448 years later the 613 Observances of Ha Torah were separated from the people of the world, i.e. the B’nai Noach for The People of Israel B’nei Yisroel to follow. How do we know this?


Genesis 1.4 – The Revealed Light


Eht Haw Ohr

א1  ת400  –  ה5  א1  ו6  ר200  =  613

The Lord God Gave the revelation of Ha Torah on Day One our earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And The Spirit from God Moved upon the face of the waters. And God Said, Let everything from Aleph to Tav of My Light Be Revealed] and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God Divided the light from the darkness. And God Called the light Yom / Day, [56 / 616] and the darkness He Called Law Yih Lah Night, [75] And there was evening and there was morning, One Day. 

One cannot pretend to know the first five Verses of Ha Torah. An unknown amount of time is represented here. 

1.) We know that The Creator Revealed everything of His Light and of His Darkness. All Revelation is contained in Ha Torah, i.e. The 613 Observances of Ha Torah.

2. Originally The Light of His Revelation was a mixture of Day Revelations and Night Revelations. 

3. The Creator divided the Day Revelations to one location and the Night Revelations to another location. He divided His Revelation so that Creation would understand the mental / Spiritual difference between Yom / Day Revelation and Law Yih Law / Night Revelation. If you will our Creator organized His Revelation for us. 

4. Even though our Creator divided His Revelation they are all a part of His Revelation. Day Revelations and Night Revelations together are One Revelation. I am saying that at that time the Day Revelation was like the Light of our daytime and the Night Revelation was like the night of our nighttime. The Presence of Light existed in the form of God’s Revelation and the Presence of Darkness existed in the form of God’s Revelation even though there was no sun, moon or stars. All order and all Creation was established in the Spirit Mind of God. Creation was established in the Will of the Spirit Mind of God.

Considering thoughts like these can be frightening. We have just tasted a smidgen of the unknown. The above discussion regarding the Revelation of God happened on Day One. The Creation of the sun, moon and stars and daylight and night happened on the Fourth Day. Please note that as we discussed the Revelation of God the Word Create or formed or fashioned does not occur because God’s Revelation already existed.


Genesis 1.14 – 19

And God Said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years; And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and it was so. And God made everything from Aleph to Tav of two great lights; Everything from Aleph to Tav of the large light to rule the day, and everything from Aleph to Tav of the small light to rule the night, and He Made everything from Aleph to Tav of the stars.  And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness, and God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.


The Word Eht אֵת

At B’nai Noach Torah Institute, LLC we define Eht to mean ‘Everything from the First Letter of The Aleph-Bet, i.e. The אAleph to the last Letter of The Aleph-Bet, i.e. The תTav. Why do we do this? We define אֵתas above. When interpreting The Bible their Hermeneutical Rules. These are rules which scholars follow to interpret The Bible. One Hermeneutical Rule requires us to examine the very first usage of the Word in The Bible. It is also good to examine the second and third usages of the Text in question to see if a pattern forms. 

The first usage is אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם – We believe God Created everything in the Heavens. So with or without the אתwe believe this. Yet, the Word אתis there for a reason. We at B’nai Noach Torah Institute, LLC Teach the reason for the אתis to say ‘Everything from the First Letter of the Aleph-Bet, The אAleph to the last Letter of The Aleph-Bet, The ת Tav. Nothing is excluded! 

The second usage is וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ – We believe God Created everything in the Earth. So with or without the את we believe this. Yet, the Word את is there for a reason. Again, we at B’nai Noach Torah Institute LLC we teach the reason for the את is to say ‘Everything from the First Letter of the Aleph-Bet, The א Aleph to the last Letter of The Aleph-Bet, The ת Tav. Nothing is excluded!

So we translate ‘In the Beginning, God Created everything from Aleph to Tav of the Heavens and Everything from Aleph to Tav of the Earth…’

The third usage is אֶת־הָאוֹר Eht Ha Orh, i.e Everything from Aleph to Tav of His Revelation. In addition to the first three usages are referencing for additional discussion. Again, The revelation of God is The Torah. The Torah contains 613 Observances known as the Mitzvot of The Torah. 

Aryeh Kaplan The Bahir( Lanham, Maryland, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers) 1st edition, 2004 pp 108, 109 – Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz and Rabbi Nosson Scherman, The Artscroll Tanach Series – Bereishis Vol. I(b)(Brooklyn, New York: Mesorah Publications, Ltd. 3rd Impression, 1989)


May The Lord Bless us in our daily walk and may we stay within Torah’s Guidelines / Observances. May we help others, May we bring peace and healing to our world. May this coming Sabbath and every Sabbath be a blessed Day.


Dr. Akiva George Belk


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